
Below are a list of resources that address issues relevant to this medical specialty. If you have any questions about this list, please contact our Patient Safety & Risk Management department at 720.858.6396 or [email protected].

On-Demand Courses

These courses can be accessed on our on-demand course catalog.

  • Current and Emerging Risks in Gastroenterology
  • Patient Safety Pearls in Gastroenterology
  • Patient Safety Pearls in Procedural Complications
  • Understanding Cancer Genetics as a Primary Care Provider

Seminars (this can be scheduled for your practice or facility)

To view the descriptions of these and other seminars, please see our list of Preferred Educational Seminars.

  • All Clear: Ensuring Your Patient Is Ready for Surgery
  • Major Risks: Specialty Specific Issues

Other Resources

  • Minors and Risk
  • Guide to Telehealth